
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Shot put5m 40cm
Discus11m 40cm
High jump

Long jump

Long distance


High Jump, Fosbury flop:
1. Land with your arms and your feet facing up. Land on your back.
2. When you take off it should be on 1 foot.
3. When you leave the ground you must spin around and use your knee to turn.

Long jump:
1. Run up is 21 steps.
2. Take off will be from the second marker.
3. Land will be measured from the back foot.
4. Land with both feet together.
5.If you are over the second marker when you jump it is a fowl jump.

Shot put:
1. Don't move the shot put around in your wrist because you could injure your wrist.
2. Push the shot put and not throw it because you could also injure your wrist.
3. Bend your knees before pushing the shot put I think it helps with how far it goes.
4. Also leaning back before you push the shot put it also helps with how far it goes.
5. Point your arm in the direction you want the shot put to go in.

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